Managing EDB Postgres Distributed (PGD) databases v1
As described in the architecture document, EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes is an operator created to deploy PGD databases. It provides an alternative over deployment with TPA, and by leveraging the Kubernetes ecosystem, it can offer self-healing and declarative control. The operator is also responsible of the backup and restore operations. See Backup.
However, many of the operations and control of PGD clusters aren't managed by the operator. The pods created by EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes come with the PGD CLI installed. You can use this tool, for example, to execute a switchover.
Don't use the PGD CLI to create and delete resources. For example,
avoid the create-proxy
and delete-proxy
Provisioning of resources is under the control of the operator, and manual
creation and deletion isn't supported.
As an example, execute a switchover command.
We recommend that you use the PGD CLI from proxy pods. To find them, get a pod listing for your cluster:
kubectl get pods -n my-namespace NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE location-a-1-1 1/1 Running 0 2h location-a-2-1 1/1 Running 0 2h location-a-3-1 1/1 Running 0 2h location-a-proxy-0 1/1 Running 0 2h location-a-proxy-1 1/1 Running 0 2h
The proxy nodes have proxy
in the name. Choose one, and get a command
prompt in it:
kubectl exec -n my-namespace -ti location-a-proxy-0 -- bash
You now have a bash session open with the proxy pod. The pgd
is available:
pgd Available Commands: check-health Checks the health of the EDB Postgres Distributed cluster. <- snipped -> switchover Switches over to new write leader. <- snipped ->
You can easily move your way through getting the information needed for the switchover:
pgd switchover --help
$ pgd switchover --group-name group_a --node-name bdr-a1
switchover is complete
pgd show-groups Group Group ID Type Parent Group Location Raft Routing Write Leader ----- -------- ---- ------------ -------- ---- ------- ------------ world 3239291720 global true true location-a-2 location-a 2135079751 data world true true location-a-1
pgd show-nodes Node Node ID Group Type Current State Target State Status Seq ID ---- ------- ----- ---- ------------- ------------ ------ ------ location-a-1 3165289849 location-a data ACTIVE ACTIVE Up 1 location-a-2 3266498453 location-a data ACTIVE ACTIVE Up 2 location-a-3 1403922770 location-a data ACTIVE ACTIVE Up 3
Accessing the database
In Use cases is a discussion on using the database within the Kubernetes cluster versus from outside. In Connectivity, you can find a discussion on services, which is relevant for accessing the database from applications.
However you implement your system, your applications must use the proxy service to connect to reap the benefits of PGD and of the increased self-healing capabilities added by the EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes operator.
As per the EDB Postgres for Kubernetes defaults, data nodes are
created with a database called app
and owned by a user named app
, in
contrast to the bdrdb
database described in the EDB Postgres
Distributed documentation. You can configure these values
in the cnp
section of the manifest.
For reference, see Bootstrap in the EDB Postgres for Kubernetes
You might, however, want access to your PGD data nodes for administrative tasks, using the psql CLI.
You can get a pod listing
for your PGD cluster and kubectl exec
into a data node:
kubectl exec -n my-namespace -ti location-a-1-1 -- psql
In the familiar territory of psql, remember that the default
created database is named app
(see previous warning).
postgres=# \c app You are now connected to database "app" as user "postgres". app=# \x Expanded display is on. app=# select * from bdr.node_summary; -[ RECORD 1 ]--------------------------------------- node_name | location-a-1 node_group_name | location-a interface_connstr | host=location-a-1-node user=streaming_replica sslmode=verify-ca port=5432 sslkey=/controller/certificates/streaming_replica.key sslcert=/controller/certificates/streaming_replica.crt sslrootcert=/controller/certificates/server-ca.crt application_name=location-a-1 dbname=app peer_state_name | ACTIVE peer_target_state_name | ACTIVE <- snipped ->
For your applications, use the non-privileged role (app
by default).
You need the user credentials, which are stored in a Kubernetes secret:
kubectl get secrets NAME TYPE DATA AGE <- snipped -> location-a-app 2 2h
This secret contains the username and password needed for the Postgres DSN, encoded in base64:
kubectl get secrets location-a-app -o yaml apiVersion: v1 data: password: <base64-encoded-password> username: <base64-encoded-username> kind: Secret metadata: creationTimestamp: <timestamp> labels: <- snipped ->
- On this page
- Accessing the database