Example: End-to-end v5
Before using the MongoDB foreign data wrapper, you must connect to your database with a client application. The following example uses the wrapper with the psql client. After connecting to psql, you can follow the steps in the example:
-- load extension first time after install CREATE EXTENSION mongo_fdw; -- create server object CREATE SERVER mongo_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mongo_fdw OPTIONS (address '', port '27017'); -- create user mapping CREATE USER MAPPING FOR enterprisedb SERVER mongo_server OPTIONS (username 'mongo_user', password 'mongo_pass'); -- create foreign table CREATE FOREIGN TABLE warehouse ( _id name, warehouse_id int, warehouse_name text, warehouse_created timestamptz ) SERVER mongo_server OPTIONS (database 'db', collection 'warehouse'); -- Note: first column of the table must be "_id" of type "name". -- select from table SELECT * FROM warehouse WHERE warehouse_id = 1; _id | warehouse_id | warehouse_name | warehouse_created --------------------------+--------------+----------------+--------------------------- 53720b1904864dc1f5a571a0 | 1 | UPS | 2014-12-12 12:42:10+05:30 (1 row) db.warehouse.find ( { "warehouse_id" : 1 } ).pretty() { "_id" : ObjectId("53720b1904864dc1f5a571a0"), "warehouse_id" : 1, "warehouse_name" : "UPS", "warehouse_created" : ISODate("2014-12-12T07:12:10Z") } -- insert row in table INSERT INTO warehouse VALUES (0, 2, 'Laptop', '2015-11-11T08:13:10Z'); db.warehouse.insert ( { "warehouse_id" : NumberInt(2), "warehouse_name" : "Laptop", "warehouse_created" : ISODate("2015-11-11T08:13:10Z") } ) -- Note: The given value for "_id" column will be ignored and allow MongoDB to insert -- the unique value for the "_id" column. -- delete row from table DELETE FROM warehouse WHERE warehouse_id = 2; db.warehouse.remove ( { "warehouse_id" : 2 } ) -- update a row of table UPDATE warehouse SET warehouse_name = 'UPS_NEW' WHERE warehouse_id = 1; db.warehouse.update ( { "warehouse_id" : 1 }, { "warehouse_id" : 1, "warehouse_name" : "UPS_NEW", "warehouse_created" : ISODate("2014-12-12T07:12:10Z") } ) -- explain a table EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM warehouse WHERE warehouse_id = 1; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan on warehouse (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1000 width=84) Filter: (warehouse_id = 1) Foreign Namespace: db.warehouse (3 rows) -- collect data distribution statistics ANALYZE warehouse; -- drop foreign table DROP FOREIGN TABLE warehouse; -- drop user mapping DROP USER MAPPING FOR enterprisedb SERVER mongo_server; -- drop server DROP SERVER mongo_server;